ICMP Sheet Music Database Launched

Accessing music is vital for people worldwide - to play, learn, listen, read or teach. 

The newly launched ICMP Sheet Music Database helps you – whether an individual, a band, an orchestra, a teacher or a school - access all the licensed sheet music you could need.

So, whether you’re looking for Beethoven symphony orchestral parts or an Ed Sheeran songbook, Tupac lyrics or guitar tabs to Bob Dylan’s canon – the new ICMP Sheet Music Database will provide you with a list of licensed sheet music providers.

We work hard in the music business to provide these so you don’t use illegal downloads or copies. Why? Behind the notes and words of every work is not just creative genius, but the jobs of composers, songwriters, music publishers, bands, orchestras, DJs, singers, rappers, jazzers, folkies, session musos, lyricists, choirs, hip hop artists and on….  

So in this crisis, #StayAtHomeMakeMusicAtHome

See the sheet music database on the ICMP website here.

ICMP is the International Confederation of Music Publishers - the global voice of music publishing. AMPAL is a member of ICMP.

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