On the eve of the latest round of Trans Pacific Partnership discussions in Hawaii, a broad range of Australian rights holders, including AMPAL, have called on the Australian Government to ensure that the Partnership incorporates strong and rigorous intellectual property provisions. The protection of intellectual property is essential for Australia's creative industries to continue making their contribution to Australia's cultural and economic life.
According to the recent PwC report, The Economic Contribution of Australian Copyright
Industries 2012-2014 (available at http://www.copyright.org.au/acc_prod/ACC/News_items/Copyright_Industries_continue_to_be_a_significant_contributor_to_the_Australian_Economy.aspx), the industries:
Employed more than one million people - 8.7% of the Australian workforce
Generated economic value of $111.4billion - the equivalent of 7.1 % of Gross Domestic Product
Generated more than $4.8 billion in exports- equal to 1.8% of total exports.